It is very hard to get pics of my little man these days bc he doesn’t want to be in the pic he wants to look through the view finder as I am taking the pic…

Ali is now crawling forward! Watch out world she’s coming 🙂 It’s very exciting for all of us but it also means a bit more care is needed. She’s starting to follow me around or she now sees a toy and knows how to head towards it…

As for Rina, she is currently in my bed bc she woke up super early (5:50 am) and for some reason doesn’t want to go back to sleep and I don’t want her to wake up her brother. For a girl that normally sleeps in till 7:30/8 this is early. I wonder how the day will go….

As for me, I am struggling with an allergic reaction (read rash) on my face! Talk about humbling. It’s not bad actually as rashes go but I can’t wear makeup and my skin itches 🙁 yes, I am complaining 🙂 I’m hoping it’s the “new” face lotion I have been using for the past few mos and now that I’ve stopped it will be go away…… We shall see!

Otherwise, we are doing well and life continues on….