When I get time I’ll put up a picture or two of our move 🙂 In spite of dour weather predictions and some last minute change moving day went incredibly well. God was faithful through the whole in so many ways. Unloading the pods and placing things in the moving van went faster than anyone expected. The day was beautiful and just perfect for moving heavy things. It wasn’t too hot, too cold, or wet. The ride there and back was uneventful. We had the perfect amount of help. I don’t think anyone stood around or was too bored or felt too harassed 🙂

We have unpacked more by this time than we thought we would but we’re still far from done. And we still have boxes and things at both parent’s houses so….. it will be be some time yet before we’re fully moved in. But it is wonderful feeling like we’re home again, after about 9 mos of feeling more in limbo.

In response to Roni’s last comment on the blog – I think that’s a good idea but I don’t know how to put up a poll 🙂 So, I’ll just let it be comments instead. How did you all let the world know that you were ‘growing up?’ Bryan took his earrings out, I think for me it seems like this pregnancy is making me feel ‘grown up’ in some ways. What about you guys????