Many Christians lately have been worried about the future of the Church. What is going to happen to her they ask. She is disappearing! Soon there will be no believers in the US! What are we going to do if the Church dies! Christians are reading their Bible less, praying less, tithing less, witnessing less, coming to church less… what is going to happen to the Church?
Phil 1:4-6 states “I thank my God every time I remember you (the Church). In all my prayers for ALL of you I always pray with joy bc of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. Being confident of this that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”
I DO believe this passage can be used to encourage individual believers but the context of the passage is referring to an entire body of believers not just one. And although it’s referring specifically to the church in Philippi I think it can be used for the Church world wide. Do you truly think that God could love His people so much that the Father would pour out His wrath on His only beloved Son and that Son would willingly suffer His Father’s wrath for the sake of those people just to let them die out?
Don’t worry about the Church as a whole – she is God’s responsibility and He will take care of her. He will not let His Son’s sacrifice ever be in vain. The blood of Jesus is too precious for that! Now, that doesn’t mean we don’t pray for the Church or encourage the Church or get involved. But that does mean we don’t worry about the Church. The God who died for her is the God who will see her ministry to its completion. Take heart, be encouraged – the Church will not disappear from the face of the earth until God is ready to have all of her by His side.
Not only will God finish what He has begun in you the believer, God will finish what He has begun in you the Church – He promised. Praise the Lord.