No, I am not pregnant. And no we are not moving. And no Bryan is not changing his job. I think I’ve got all the biggies covered 🙂

The main change I meant was about me. I am stepping down as coordinator of MOPS at the end of this school year. I can hear the gasps! Actually you’re probably wondering what the big deal is and why this is such a huge thing for me. Glad you asked 🙂
(Warning: Major promotions for MOPS going to come throughout so be prepared)
MOPS stands for Mothers of PreSchoolers and it is an AMAZING ministry specifically designed for mothers of young children. We meet twice a mos during the school year, childcare is provided and at our MOPS so is a great brunch! Not gonna lie- during my first few meetings the food is what continue to bring me back… 🙂
Now for a little brag – my mom was the first coordinator of the first MOPS in Michigan and she even helped to start the MOPS that I am currently coordinator of 🙂 
For the last three years I have been actively involved and I have loved it. As a mom of young kids I totally understand the need for being with other women, especially other moms who are in the same phase of life that I am in. It has been wonderful to be a part of group where I can safely acknowledge my incredible frustrations or my unconditional love for my kids – sometimes at the exact same time – and not be thought of as a terrible parent or crazy person.
I have loved watching God work through the different speakers, the fun and silly games we’ve played or even the crafts we (well “we” meaning “they”:) ) have done. I have absolutely loved working with my steering team. They have been an amazing group of hard working women willing to do almost anything to make the meetings run smoothly and the moms feel loved. I cannot brag on them enough.
But God has called me to step down and at first I didn’t want to and was ready to ignore Him. Shocking I know 🙂 
For certain reasons we have decided to homeschool our children. For how long we are not sure but at least for the next year. I started in January in small ways and quickly came to realize it was taking more time and effort than I was wanting to give. 
I became stressed and irritable with my kids, my hubby, my self bc I never felt like I had enough time to get anything done. I was constantly moving from one thing to the next trying to keep every plate spinning. Only, I was rarely spinning them well. 
I realized that for the sake of my family something had to give. And that something was me. 
I had to give in and give up doing something. I needed space and time, energy and the ability to homeschool without the pressure of other big things looming over me. I prayed and talked things over with my husband. And God consistently asked me what was my priority – my self and “my ministries” or my children and their welfare?
I have come to realize that right now God has called me to teach my children in a very real way. They are the priority that God has set for me. So, I am stepping down as coordinator of MOPS and saying goodbye to an incredible ministry that I absolutely love and believe in. May God continue to bless it and use it to reach many many women.
There are seasons in life and right now, this is the season I am in. I am praying that I learn to live in it graciously and patiently 🙂